Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fresh Faced Fitness

 Many people find it a drag to work out every day, but truth is....YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORK OUT EVERY DAY TO STAY FIT! Here are a few ways you can keep the weight off without having to hit the machines.

1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
2. Clean Up! Clean your house! What ever you can! the more you move, the more you lose.
3.Wash Your Car! Burnomoter: Burns around 140 calories
4. Drink More Water! It causes your metabolic rate to increase up to 30%
5. STAND don't SIT! 
6. Laugh! Why does your stomach hurt after laughing so long. Its because by laughing you are exercising your muscles, burning calories
7.Change out your desk chair at home for an exercise ball. Just from sitting on it it activated the muscles in your core.
8. Carry hand weights with you around the house. It might not seem like much at first, but after a while it adds up!

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